Sunday Reflection
(Third Sunday of Easter) The Risen Jesus appreared again to his disciples saying “Peace be with you”

First, He showed his nailed hands and feet. He is not a ghost that causes fear. Like Jesus, let us not hide our woundedness. Our multiple deaths and sufferings are not cause of fear but source of strenght. Once shared to others, it can in fact inspire them. Second, He shared the bread. Table fellowship is another source of strenght. Living in community of friends will foster peace and joy. The Sunday Eucharist is a must for everyone because we see Him always there. And lastly, He shared his command to become witnesses to others. If we are asked to share our woundedness, we are also sent to share the Good News. As the saying goes, “Shared sorrow is half sorrow and shared joy is a doubled joy”.Have a blessed Sunday.
- Fr Louie Occiano