Bull of Appointment

Franciscus Episcopus Servus Servorum Dei
Venerabili fratri Regi Andreae Alarcon, hactenus Episcopo Daëtiensi nominato sacrorum Antistiti Cacerensi salutem et Benedictionem. Dei gregem Petri ex Cathedra custodientes eiusque necessitates attente considerantes fide perpulsi, spe corroborati atque caritate inflammati, omnibus et singulis Christi Evangelium nuntiamus, quia eius e mortuis resurrectio totum orbem terrarum vita replet. Huiusmodi cogitationibus permoti congruos viros quaerimus ut evangelizationis mandatum una Nobiscum ardentius conficiant et Ecclesiam toto corde veluti Sponsam colant. Quandoquidem tu, Venerabilis frater, hucusque in episcopalibus muneribus explendis peritiam ostendis necnon humanitate et agendarum rerum usu polles, Nobis opportunum maioris momenti munus tibi concredere videtur. Itaque Apostolica Nostra auctoritate agentes itidemque harum Litterarum Nostrarum virtute, te, solutum vinculo sedis Daëtiensis, nominamus Archiepiscopum Metropolitam Cacerensem, cunctis debitis datis tam iuribus quam congruis impositis obligationibus secundum canones Codicis Iuris Canonici. Denique, te cohortamur, Venerabilis frater, ut facias certiores de Nostra voluntate tam clerum quam populum comunitatis archidiocensanae tibi commisae itidem, intercedentibus Beata Maria Virgine eiusque sancto Sponso Ioseph, studiose omnes vires ministerio evangelizationis, scilicet Verbi Dei predicationi in medio populi, impendas, ad quod Christus e die in diem te eligit, ut, eius virtute ac gratia sustentus, Evangelium confiteris ac praedices verbis tuis ac potissimum vitae exemplo. Datum Romae, Laterani, die vicesimo secundo mensis februarii, in festo Cathedrae Sancti Petri, apostoli, anno bismillesimo vicesimo quarto, Pontificatus Nostri undecimo.
Francis, Bishop, Servant of the Servants of God
To the venerable brother, Rex Andrew Alarcon, until now Bishop of Daet, named Bishop of Caceres, greetings and benediction. Taking care of God’s flock from the Chair of Peter, and carefully considering its needs, compelled by faith, strengthened by hope and inflamed by love, We proclaim the Gospel of Christ to each and every one, because his resurrection from the dead fills the whole earth with life. Moved by these thoughts, we seek suitable men to carry out, with Us, the mandate of evangelization more fervently, and to take care of the Church as a Bride with all their hearts. Since you, Venerable brother, have so far displayed skill in the discharge of episcopal duties and indeed with kindness and are capable of accomplishing what should be done, We deem it opportune to entrust you with a duty of greater importance. Therefore, acting by Our Apostolic authority and likewise by virtue of this Letter of Ours, released from the bonds of the see of Daet, We appoint you Metropolitan Archbishop of Caceres, with all the due rights given, as well as the corresponding obligations imposed, according to the canons of the Code of Canon Law. Finally, we exhort you, Venerable brother, to make the clergy, as well as the people of the archdiocesan community entrusted to you, more resolved regarding Our will, likewise through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and her holy Spouse Joseph, to diligently devote all energies to the ministry of evangelization, certainly to the preaching of the Word of God among the people, to which Christ chooses you day by day, so that, sustained by his power and grace, you may confess and preach the Gospel with your words and above all by the example of your life. Given at the Lateran, in Rome, on the twenty-second day of the month of February, on the feast of the Chair of Peter, the Apostle, in the year two thousand and twenty-four, on the eleventh year of Our Pontificate.
Francisco, Obispo, Surogoon nin mga Surogoon kan Dios
Sa Ginagalangan na tugang na Rex Andrew Alarcon, sagkod ngonian Obispo kan Daet, nanombrahan na Obispo kan Caceres, karahayan asin bendicion. Kaming nag-aataman sa banwaan nin Dios gikan sa Tukawan ni Pedro, asin maorop na nagsisiyasat kan saindang mga pangangaipo, tinulod nin pagtubod, pinasarig nin paglaom, asin pinalaad nin pagkamoot, naghaharubay kan Evangelio ni Cristo sa lambang saro, huli ta an saiyang pagkabuhay-liwat hale sa mga gadan naglulubos sa buhay nin bilog na kinaban. Dará kaining mga paghorop-horop, naghahanap kami nin mga maninigong lalaki na mautob, kaiba Niamo, kan tugon na magharubay na orog kasugid kan Marahay na Bareta, asin mag-ataman sa bilog nindang puso kan Simbahan siring sa sarong Esposa. Huli ta ika, Ginagalangan na tugang, nagpahiling nin kakayahan sa pag-utob kan mga katongdan episcopal na may karahayan nin boot, siring man sa paghaman kan mga dapat gibohon, sa Samuyang pagtubod maninogong gayo na ipaniwala saimo an mas magabat na katongdan. Kaya, sa Samong kapangyarihan Apostolica, asin sa paagi kaining Samong Surat, hinubad sa pagkabugkos sa diosesis nin Daet, ika itinatalaga mi bilang Arzobispo Metropolitana kan Caceres, kaiba an gabos na nadadapat na derechos pati an mga katakin na obligasyon, susog sa mga patakaran kan Código de Derecho Canonico. Sa pagtapos, sinasadol Mi ika, Ginagalangan na tugang, na gibohon mong orog kapusog dapit sa Samuyang kabotan an clero asin an katawohan sa comunidad kan arkidiosesis na ipinaniwala saimo, siring man sa tabang ni Santa Maria Virgen asin kan saiyang banal na Esposo, si Jose, masigasig mong idusay an gabos na kakayahan para sa katungdan na iharubay an Evangelio, nanggad an paghulit kan Tataramon kan Dios sa katawohan, na sa sainda aroaldaw kang inaapod ni Cristo, tanganing sa tabang nin saiyang kapangyarihan asin gracia, ika magpahayag dangan maghulit kan Evangelio sa saimong mga tataramon, asin orog sa gabos, sa paarog nin saimong pamuhay-buhay. Itinao sa Laterano, Roma, ngonian na ika-veinte dos na aldaw kan bulan na Febrero, sa kafiestahan kan Tukawan ni San Pedro Apostol, sa taon dos mil veinte cuatro, ika-onseng taon kan Samong pagtukaw bilang Santo Papa.